
About me


It's Berta, 22, human, living and working in Japan.

I am curious and I enjoy learning about other cultures & languages.

I like so many things and I like them so much I have to share my wonderful discoveries with the world.

But to sum up:
I love music and watching the sky/sun. I'm a feels person. I believe in kindness and I practice treating others as I'd like to be treated, with respect and warm, cozy words.
I dislike pressure and rudeness.

Life is an interesting thing.

See you around!

(See my links page to stalk!)


  1. Hello Bertahime, this blog is a treasure for me as we have lost our comunication, reading you can help me understanding you better and learning new things so GREAT! Looking forward to reading all your new post!
    With love from your sister, Aleydahime:-)

    1. Aleydahime! hihi
      Thank you for your kind words, however, I can't guarantee you everything I write about will be of your taste, or even good, so please don't be disappointed :/
      Love to you too :D
